Jordan Set to Supply Lebanon with Electricity through Syria

Jordan said Wednesday that was set to provide Lebanon with its electricity needs through Syrian territories.

This confirmation came after a ministerial meeting between the ministers of energies in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria, according to a statement by the Lebanese Ministry of energy.

“Jordan has hosted today, Wednesday, a ministerial meeting that included the ministers concerned with electricity affairs in Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, during which it was agreed to provide Lebanon with part of its electrical energy needs from Jordan through the Syrian electrical network,” the statement added.

An action plan and a timetable for restarting the electrical interconnection line between Jordan and Syria was presented, and all technical studies were conducted and the necessary agreements were prepared to implement the supply process.

Jordan had previously assured that it was capable of supplying Lebanon up to 220 MW of electricity through the power grid that goes through Syria.

The meeting was attended by Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Hala Zawati, Minister of Energy and Water of Lebanon Walid Fayyad, and Minister of Electricity of Syria Ghassan Al-Zamil.

Zawati told reporters that the meeting sought mainly to set a clear specific action plan and timetable to provide Lebanon with Jordanian electricity through the Syrian electrical network by restarting the existing electrical interconnection lines between the three networks, in order to help the Lebanese to meet part of their electrical energy needs.

Zawati stressed the importance of the meeting, which comes within the framework of joint cooperation with Lebanon and Syria to support joint projects in the field of energy, and in the interest of the three countries.

The meeting also comes in the wake of a four-way meeting that included Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon to deliver Egyptian gas to Lebanon via Jordan and Syria.

The ministers explained that the new action plan aims to reduce the costs of generating electric power in Lebanon and ensure the stability of gas supplies to the Deir Ammar station.

Zawati indicated that a technical meeting that included the stakeholders in the electricity transmission companies in the three countries was held Tuesday to prepare for the ministerial meeting, during which the readiness of the electricity networks in the three countries was reviewed and the technical and commercial requirements necessary to complete the process of supplying Jordanian electricity to Lebanon were identified.

According to Zawati, a clear work plan and a timetable for implementation were also defined, and specialized technical teams were formed and assigned to complete the necessary work within a specified period, stressing that the work plan focused on rehabilitating the infrastructure on the Syrian side as well as the readiness of the three parties that signed the agreements necessary to supply electricity to Lebanon.

Zamil, Syria's energy minister, said that that the workshops of the General Organization for Electricity Transmission and Distribution have started to rehabilitate the electrical interconnection line that was destroyed by “armed terrorist gangs” and to secure the necessary materials for that despite the difficulties Syria suffers from “as a result of the unjust siege imposed on the Syrian people, where most of the materials have been secured and work is underway to secure the shortage.”

He added that the Syrian authorities have also started collecting the necessary information about the generation plants to provide them to the Jordanian side in order to complete the necessary technical studies for the synchronous connection between the Syrian and Jordanian networks, which takes a period of three months.

Fayyad, Lebanon’s energy minister, said that the three ministers agreed on a road map to overcome technical obstacles, while the next step focuses on enabling financing agreements through the World Bank.

Jordan and Syria have been electrically connected through a 400 kV transmission line since 2001, but the interconnection line has been out of service since mid-2012 for technical reasons,

while Syria and Lebanon are connected through several 400 and 230 66 kV interconnection lines.

“The three countries are linked by a general exchange agreement and a general interconnection agreement within the eight electrical interconnection group, which includes Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Libya, in addition to Turkey,” the statement said.