Kataeb Party: Sheikh Qabalan's Comments Echo Civil War-Era Sectarianism

The Kataeb political bureau held its weekly meeting under the chairmanship of party leader Samy Gemayel. After discussing the latest developments, notably the soaring tensions along Lebanon’s southern border, the politburo issued the following statement:  

1. The political bureau condemns the remarks made by the Grand Shiite Jaafari Mufti, Sheikh Ahmad Qabalan, against the Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin. These comments are seen as blatant incitement against the role of the Maronite Patriarchate and exhibit an odious sectarianism reminiscent of the Lebanese Civil War era.

Such rhetoric is unacceptable and rejected outright, as it proves, once again, that the approach of silencing and suppressing opposing views is prevailing nowadays. The political bureau reiterates that framing disagreements in a sectarian context is deeply misleading. The real conflict is between two visions for Lebanon: one aims to hijack the country and bring it under the domination of regional axes, leading to ruin, while the other strives to liberate Lebanon, restore its sovereignty, and ensure it becomes a homeland for all its citizens with equal rights and duties.

2. The Kataeb Party is closely monitoring the escalating tension on the southern border, which is nearing a point of no return and threatens dire consequences. The ongoing high-stakes provocations and intelligence maneuvers will only destabilize Lebanon, transferring the conflict from Gaza to the entire region in a reckless war that will not serve the Lebanese people.

The Kataeb Party calls on all parties to return to reason, to abandon arrogance and point-scoring at the expense of innocent lives and their future, and to avoid dragging Lebanon into a destructive war in which it has no stake. There must be a pathway to recovery.

3. The recent statements made by Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, once again, demonstrate that he is the ultimate decision-maker who dictates roles at his discretion, antagonizes friendly countries as he pleases, and aligns with those who serve his Iranian agenda.

The political bureau believes that the exploitation of Lebanon, its territory, and its facilities as a conduit for this agenda makes it a target for strikes that could destroy its remaining infrastructure. The recent scrutiny focusing on Beirut International Airport is a clear message in this regard.

4. The political bureau views the current events in Ain al-Hilweh camp as part of a dubious attempt to control Palestinian decision-making and align it with the “resistance” factions in the region, which have openly declared their readiness to invade Lebanon and partake in its destruction.

The Kataeb Party stresses the need to return to the resolutions of the 2006 National Dialogue in terms of disarming Palestinian groups and having the Lebanese army and security forces take control of refugee camps’ security.

The political bureau commends the Lebanese army's efforts to reclaim some private properties in Naameh and Damour from the Popular Front factions. It urges the army to complete this step by closing all tunnels belonging to foreign factions and restoring the Lebanese people's rights, security, and freedom of movement.

5. The political bureau reiterates the importance of sparing the tourism sector from repeated blows, as it has become the only lifeline for Lebanon’s economy, which has been shattered by recurrent wars and the seizure of all the components necessary to build a viable economy.