Sayegh: Lebanon’s Future Is Kataeb’s Top Priority

Kataeb Lawmaker Selim Sayegh offered his condolences to the families suffering daily under the bombardment, noting that Lebanon remains in a State of ongoing mourning and grief.

He emphasized that Lebanon's cause is of paramount importance to the Kataeb Party.

 "From the outset of the war, we were the first to voice our opposition to it, irrespective of the Palestinians’ right to their state and the historical stances accumulated over time. However, we cannot remain trapped by other issues and turn Lebanon into a battlefield; this is unacceptable," Sayegh said in an interview with Voice of Lebanon.

"Today, we are grasping at any window of hope for a peaceful resolution, which does not mean surrender, but rather saving the country. Our people are being displaced and slaughtered daily, and the Kataeb’s political stance is rational. We understand the meaning of martyrdom and what it represents in conscience and spirit," he added.

"Therefore, we believe that this is not the time for settling scores but for returning to Lebanon, leaving behind the rhetoric of the past, and moving toward Parliament to elect a president according to the constitution, as well as committing to a ceasefire and the full implementation of UNSC Resolution 1701," he noted.

Sayegh further stressed that the language of violence is no longer effective, which is why the Kataeb is calling for a ceasefire, distinct from the situation in Gaza.

"We will not accept that Lebanon becomes a hostage to decisions beyond its control," he added.

Regarding the visit of the Iranian Foreign Minister, Sayegh remarked: "He spoke as though he intends to discipline us and the state, which is unacceptable. He continues to insist on rejecting a ceasefire, refusing to separate the paths of Gaza and Lebanon, and opposing the election of a consensus president. It seems as though these dictates are meant to give Israel a further excuse to continue its aggressive actions in Lebanon as if there is an agreement between Iran and Israel to liquidate the Palestinian cause and reshape the Middle East."

Commenting on the Ain al-Tineh meeting, Sayegh noted: "We welcomed the initiative that decoupled Lebanon from Gaza, accepted UNSC Resolution 1701, and called for a consensus president. This is a serious gateway to moving forward and relieving Lebanon of this heavy burden. We must reclaim our state and institutions, and most importantly, prioritize the logic of the state."

"Only then can we break free from subservience to the high commissioner and gain the respect of the international community. This is the essence of the Lebanese Kataeb Party’s political work and its national struggle. What is happening now is that everyone is taking advantage of Lebanon, while Lebanon benefits no one. Therefore, we call on House Speaker Nabih Berri to take the initiative, given his constitutional position and the role he represents within the Shiite community," he pointed out.

When asked about the possibility of a breakthrough in the presidential deadlock, the Kataeb Lawmaker said "This depends on the Shiite community freeing itself from Iranian control over its decisions. This question will determine Lebanon’s future direction. Today, we call on the free Shiites of Lebanon, and Berri who have a national and Shiite role, to declare that we are in a state of law. Peace does not mean surrender, and therefore, we must exercise wisdom, not stubbornness, and move towards an honorable compromise to save Lebanon."

"The war has been imposed on us, and we must take the initiative and not exclude those who propose solutions. Therefore, the Kataeb Party aligns with political forces on both sides of the divide. Today, we must turn any crisis into an opportunity to accomplish the presidential election. As Kataeb, along with other Lebanese parties, we are keen not to let any opportunity for a solution slip away," he affirmed.

"The current moment of weakness is not limited to one Lebanese party but is shared across all Lebanese factions, and the entire population is suffering. The important thing is that we must not, knowingly or unknowingly, become partners with the Israelis. This authority is contributing to the siege of Lebanon," he indicated.

"A clear example is our demand months ago to open alternative airports and ports, particularly the Port of Jounieh, in case the war escalates in Lebanon. This would provide a lifeline for the Lebanese people. However, to date, the minister has not responded directly to us; instead, he replies through public platforms with irresponsible and illogical statements, while we have adhered to all protocols as required," Sayegh stated.

"There are two blockades on Lebanon: a criminal Israeli blockade on one side and a second blockade caused by the obstinacy of the authorities. We will not accept this reality and will find a way to reach a solution. We will not accept a government blockade that has handed us over to the forces of resistance. Additionally, the state must protect the Lebanese people from the exploitation caused by exorbitant flight ticket prices," he concluded.