Kataeb's Head of Foreign Affairs: Hezbollah Is Betraying the Lebanese State

Kataeb Head of Foreign Affairs Department Marwan Abdallah stated that Lebanon has been accustomed since its independence to bear the burdens of the region.

"Is it Lebanon's fate to always pay the price?" Abdallah asked.

He wondered how there are people jeopardizing the safety of their country, its lands, and its people for the interests of others, pointing out that the link between various arenas ultimately traces back to one source, namely Iran.

"Quds Force practices are far removed from Jerusalem and aiding the Palestinian cause. Instead, the objective is to strengthen Iran's role and its negotiating cards in the region on several issues, including sanctions, the nuclear file, and its overall influence," Abdallah said in an interview with Voice of Lebanon radio station.

"Is Lebanon a unified country? Are we a sovereign and independent state with our own opinion on decisions of peace and war?" he asked.

"We should not open new fronts with Israel at a time when Lebanon is facing one of the most challenging military mobilizations in its history," he stressed.

"What is the fault of civilians who did not choose to be dragged into war?"he asked.

"If Hezbollah's engagement in the war has alleviated the burdens on Gaza, give us figures to understand how and where."

He emphasized that Hezbollah is a conspiracy against the country because it does not allow any institution to operate normally, considering that the definition of victory varies from one Lebanese to another.

"No one is willing to pay the price for a cause that does not concern them, even if it is just and right," he said.

He reminded that UNSC Resolution 1701 halted hostilities in 2006, calling for the restoration of the state and the extension of its control over all its territories.

"UNSC Resolution 1559, mentioned four times, requires the state to prevent the arming and training of militias," he explained.

"It is our duty to prevent Hezbollah from controlling Lebanon peacefully, politically, and institutionally," he said, considering that if Lebanon pays the price for a settlement, it will not be the Lebanon we know.

"We should not link any solution in Lebanon to a ceasefire in Gaza. We must pressure Hezbollah ministers to build the state and implement UNSC Resolution 1701," he indicated.

He clarified that Hezbollah does not cease to find justifications for keeping its illegal weapons , saying that it avoids discussing the matter.

"We want Lebanon to be a free and independent country with a strong economy, while Hezbollah wants Lebanon as a supporting platform. Lebanon should not pay the price, and we will confront through institutions, the streets, civil disobedience, expatriates, and relations with friendly nations. These are legal and legitimate ways to liberate the country," Abdallah affirmed.

"The Kataeb did not betray. Kataeb members are first and foremost Lebanese, and we speak in the context of a state of law and state-building. If someone considers themselves targeted or threatened, the problem lies with them," he noted.

"We will not back down from our principles, constants, and the country's interest," he added.

"We don't want war, nor do we want the reasons that lead to it, such as weapons outside the state's control and border conflicts," he said.

"We want to build a country with established institutions and restore order to these institutions. Then, we enter into a dialogue about the future of Lebanon to liberate it from consecutive crises," he added.

"The Kataeb Party will not compromise on the Lebanon it aspires to see: a Lebanon that is pluralistic, sovereign, independent, a country of dialogue, a meeting point for civilizations, and open to all friends, cultures, arts, and sports," Abdallah concluded.