Kataeb Party: Our Positions Will Not Change, We Will Not Refrain from Speaking the Truth

The Kataeb Political Bureau held its weekly meeting chaired by Kataeb Leader MP Samy Gemayel. After the meeting, the following statement was issued:

1- Certain malicious entities persist in reminding everyone that some can intimidate the Lebanese through terror and attempt to silence anyone who dares to say "no" and reject all attempts at subjugation. In this context, the Kataeb Political Bureau condemns the shooting that targeted Kataeb Headquarters in Saifi.

The Lebanese Kataeb Party, never deterred by acts of intimidation, has been and will remain at the forefront of the battle against efforts to hijack the country and silence voices that oppose the takeover of institutions and the fate of the Lebanese people. Our positions will not change, and we will not refrain from speaking the truth, regardless of how often these actions are repeated.

The attack on the Kataeb Party and the free Lebanese underscores the validity of our positions and the legitimacy of the cause we defend so that Lebanon remains as its people desire: free, sovereign, and democratic.

The Kataeb Party expresses its full confidence in the security agencies, which will apprehend the attackers and bring them to justice swiftly.

2- The Kataeb Party commends the security plan implemented by the security forces in the city of Beirut, reaffirming its support for these efforts against those who oppose it and attempt to sabotage it by inciting unrest and blocking roads, clearly rejecting the restoration of security and the state's initiative to protect the Lebanese people.

3-The ongoing war in the south is escalating daily, a situation that cannot be ignored and which warns of serious consequences if it spirals out of control. This is particularly concerning given warnings from various quarters about the potential descent into a full-scale war that would not benefit Lebanon.

The current situation in the south has not served Gaza and will certainly not serve Lebanon or the residents of the south, who are paying a heavy toll daily in lives, property, and land due to a war imposed on them for external interests.

It is time to acknowledge this reality and return to prioritizing the interests of the Lebanese people.