Rifi: We Are Hostages to the Iranian Project

MP Ashraf Rifi considered that "if the first ceasefire in Gaza succeeds, we will move from a military path to a military-political path to reach a purely political path, but starting today, the outlines of the next stage will emerge."

In an interview with "Nidaa Al-Watan" newspaper, Rifi indicated: "The Iranians consider that Lebanon has fallen into their hands, but in reality, only the corrupt, weak, and failed political class has fallen into their hands. Lebanon, in general, is not with the Iranian project, and the reality is no longer in favor of Tehran in Beirut."

"The visit of Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian is an attempt to confirm dominance over the country. A day will come when you will not be able to visit Beirut except with the permission of all the Lebanese, not just Hezbollah," he added.

"Abdollahian's visit is an attempt to capitalize on what is happening in the Palestinian territories, and everyone is aware that those who fight for Palestine are the Palestinians alone. However, the Iranians always try to invest in this file," he went on saying.

"The Iranian buys and sells, even selling Hezbollah when the need arises. What matters to Iran are their interests. If the goal of this axis was to fight from southern Lebanon, it wouldn't have waited for 45 days; it would have fought from the first moment. It wants to fight in the name of the Arabs, not for the benefit of the Arabs."

Regarding the possibility of a larger escalation on the southern front, Rifi noted, "If the Israeli strategy requires the situation in the south to remain dire to save face, the choice will be to open war in the south."

Rifi touched on the ongoing vacuum in the presidency, saying: "Unfortunately, it seems as if the matter has been put on hold, waiting for the end of the war. Despite the fact that in countries that respect themselves, when the people are in control of their decisions and not bound to Iranians, they are ready to put an end to the presidential vacuum."

"No one inside or outside is talking today about the file of electing a new president for the country," he added.

Regarding the extension of the army commander's term, Rifi stated: "From a national perspective, we expect a national agreement to extend the term of the current army commander, General Joseph Aoun. But the question today is, can we trust Hezbollah's intentions?"

 "Regarding the extension of the army commander's term, I am cautious in this regard. I am not confident, and I fear that the scenario of General Abbas Ibrahim may be repeated due to ongoing procrastination. We cannot trust Hezbollah, and we must pressure the others to preserve the continuity of the military institution because it is a cohesive institution, and its leadership has proven its national, military, and patriotic competence," Rifi concluded.