Opposition MPs: No to War !

Opposition MPs issued the following statement:

“Based on our keenness to protect Lebanon and its people during one of the most dangerous crises that the region is experiencing and which is about to affect the entire nation, and based on the continued refusal to elect a President of the Republic and thus his seat being vacant, and the government’s clear admission that it does not have the right to decide on peace and war, as its prime minister and a number of its ministers stated,

Based on the successive statements of officials of a regional state that wants to turn Lebanon into an arena of conflict and confrontation that negotiates at its expense and the expense of its people to expand its influence in the region and throw us into a war whose consequences we cannot bear.

We, as “Renewal" (Kutlat Tajadod), Kataeb Party, Strong Republic, Takadom, Khat Ahmar, “North 3” coalition and Bilal Hocheimi, affirm the following:

First: our support for the Palestinian people, who are once again subjected to destruction, killings, displacement, and bloodshed that surpasses all humanity. We call on the international community, therefore, to exert maximum pressure to halt the crimes, put an end to the violence, and implement all international resolutions, to find a just and sustainable solution to the Palestinian cause and establish an independent Palestinian state, on the basis of land for peace as outlined in the Arab Peace Initiative announced during Beirut Summit in 2002.

Second: Lebanon, through its army and military forces, has the constitutional right to defend every inch and every citizen on Lebanese territory when attacked, but we absolutely reject dragging Lebanon into a war whose price will be very high. 
Lebanon has sacrificed and continues to sacrifice dearly for the Palestinian cause, but it refuses to be fuel for the fire of another state's interests, which seeks gains at the expense of the blood of our sons and the destruction of our country. This state and its allies in Lebanon were the cause of the complete collapse that befell us.

Third: we emphasize that the regular functioning of our institutions is an urgent and pressing need at this particular stage. This regularity can only begin with the election of a president in accordance with constitutional principles. Only then can we initiate the process of reclaiming and fortifying the state.

In conclusion, we, as members of the Lebanese Parliament, representatives of the people and the nation, have come to say no,

No to war,

No to dragging Lebanon towards destruction,

No to anyone governing Lebanon's sovereignty and the decisions of war and peace,

No to involving us in unknown adventures that hold no benefit for Lebanon.

Our nation has paid a heavy price in both the recent and distant past due to regional conflicts, causing the disintegration of its institutions, the collapse of its foundations, and the migration of a large part of its population.”