Sayegh: Hezbollah Is Holding Lebanon as a Hostage

Kataeb party's Deputy President Selim Sayegh on Wednesday deemed the refusal of Hezbollah’s policy as the solution to save Lebanon from the current collapse.

“If the problem is in forming a government and adopting quotas then they can find a solution through the well-known Lebanese structures, but the truth is that the Lebanese political decision is hijacked by the Arms’ Party, which receives its orders from Iran, which means not forming a government unless it is pro-Tehran,” Sayegh said in “Bi Kel Horia” talkshow.

“If we stayed in the Parliament, what would have we done? We would have covered what is happening in Lebanon and to the legitimacy of the parliamentary majority today,” he said concerning the resignation of the Kataeb lawmakers.

Sayegh deemed Hezbollah’s Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah as the main responsible of everything happening in Lebanon starting from the assassinations, the shortages of medicines to the economic collapse.

He explained that smuggling into Syria was passing through two areas in Lebanon, namely the Bekaa and the North, saying that the Northern region is held by gangs that do not owe allegiance to Hezbollah and was closed, while the other area was "open" with Hezbollah and in agreement with the Syrians.

"Smuggling that goes to Syria is supported by the Lebanese’ money. Thus, the Lebanese fuel became cheaper than the Syrian one," he said,

“Nasrallah wants to bring fuel and diesel from Iran at the cheapest prices while the people of Iran are starving,” he added.

“We assure our opponents that we will fight for elections as if Lebanon is in a very good situation and we will fight for the defense of dignity, non-truce and bargaining for justice as if we do not have elections,” Sayegh said concerning the parliamentary elections that will be held next year.