Bickfaya Mayor Deems Sorting as Key to Waste Crisis

Bickfaya mayor Nicole Gemayel on Saturday deemed sorting as the main key to the waste management crisis, slamming the governmnent for its ongoing failure in finding a suitable solution for this problem.

“On July 2015, the Bickfaya municipality has taken the garbage problem on its shoulders and started to treat it by educating the town's residents on the importance of waste sorting,” Gemayel told Voice of Lebanon radio station.

“Today you will find in Beckfaya’s houses three containers: a container for waste that can be recycled, one for organic material and another one for substantial that cannot be recycled,” she said.

Gemayel called on people to waste sorting in their homes, saying that this will be the beginning of a partial solution as the State has to find another and final solution to this problem.

"Beckfaya's municipality was the among the few to succeed in finding a suitable solution to the garbage problem in a time where the government has failed in reaching any," she pointed out.