Hankache: Everyone Who Supported the Revolution Has to Vote on Holding Early Parliamentary Elections

“The next stage is very difficult and people’s trust must be restored even if there were some painful measures,” Hankache told Voice of Lebanon radio station.

“The revolutionaries’ movement today is a conscious movement to pressure the Parliament and heading towards the legislation of shortening the Parliament’s term,” he said.

Hankache stressed that the Kataeb party is working along its convictions concerning the general amnesty bill, saying that by approving such law the crime and punishment bill would have no purpose.

“There is something suspicious in this law and an unprecedented practice that has never been witnessed in other countries,” he pointed out.

Hankache renewed his objection over expanding the Metn landfills under any pretext, calling on officials to stop making excuses as if there is an exceptional situation and this project must be approved.