Hankache: Kataeb Party to Submit Amendment Proposal on Parliament's Accountability Vote Threshold

Following his election as member of the Higher Council, tasked with trying presidents and ministers, MP Elias Hankache said that the Kataeb party is planning to submit a draft law proposing an amendment of the voting mechanism adopted by said body.

Hankache told Al-Markazia news agency that the proposal will suggest modifying the clause which requires a two-thirds majority at the Parliament, i.e. 86 votes, in order to validate any accusation against a minister.

"The Parliament will remain constrained as long as a two-thirds majority of the total members of the Chamber of Deputies is required in order to be able to hold ministers and presidents accountable for their wrongdoings," he said, adding that the Kataeb party will propose lowering the vote threshold.

The Kataeb lawmaker called for giving the Higher Council a wider margin to work within, saying that, otherwise, it will continue to be ineffective.

“The Higher Council does not convene unless a President or a minister are referred to it for trial, and that should be changed. It is unacceptable for it to meet only to discuss these matters; it should have given a larger framework," Hankache stressed.

“When put to the vote at the Parliament, this draft law will serve as a test for the Parliament to prove how serious it really is about fighting against corruption,” Hankache noted.

According to Article 80 of the Constitution, members of the Higher Council are re-elected with each new Parliament. It consists of seven MPs and eight of Lebanon's top judges.

Three MPs and three judges are elected as reserves.

Any verdict issued by the council must be validated by at least ten of its members.