Kataeb, Tajaddod, and Change Deputies File an Appeal Against Municipal Councils' and Mayoral's Mandate Extension

MPs Elias Hankach, Samy Gemayel, Selim Sayegh, Charbel Massad,  Adib Abdel-Massih, Achraf Rifi, Elias Jradeh, Fouad Makhzoumi, Marc Daou, Michel Douaihy, Michel Daher, Michel Mouawad, Nadim Gemayel, and Waddah Sadek filed an appeal before the Constitutional Council challenging the constitutionality of law number 310, promulgated on April 19, 2023, which extends the municipal councils’ and mayoral’s mandate, requesting the law’s suspension and cancellation.

The deputies based their appeal, which was prepared by lawyer Lara Saade, on the violation of seven constitutional articles and four paragraphs of the Constitution’s preamble, as well as several binding constitutional principles, some of which are related to the democratic system and elections, the presidential void, and the text adopted.

Lawmaker Elias Hankach said that the Kataeb Party and the change deputies were fulfilling their duties towards the Lebanese who granted them their trust and towards the level the country has reached in terms of postponing all dues, especially in light of the presidential vacuum.

“We filed an appeal against the municipal councils' and mayoral’s mandate extension as we need to focus on more than one issue from a technical point of view, especially the issue of adding some clauses to the law after its approval in the Parliament,” Hankach from the Constitutional Council.

“We hope that the Constitutional Council will face this challenge. We await with the Lebanese people the Council's decision in this regard,” he added.

For his part, Lawmaker Michel Mouawad told the reporters that the appeal aims to "preserve democracy and what remains of the Lebanese government and its institutions."

"The challenge today is to avoid politicizing the Constitutional Council," he said.

He emphasized that the two appeals on Thursday and Friday were presented separately to maximize the chances of a positive outcome in this case.