Gemayel Commemorates Hariri’s Assassination with a Pledge to Lebanon’s Sovereignty

On the 20th anniversary of the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, Samy Gemayel, the leader of the Lebanese Kataeb Party, paid tribute to the late leader, reflecting on the years marked by hardships in the pursuit of freedom and independence.

"Twenty years since the martyrdom of PM Rafik Hariri!" Gemayel wrote on X. "Twenty years of continuous struggle and sacrifice, which paved the way for Lebanon to free itself from occupations and tutelage, and bring back hope for a bright future."

Gemayel also paid homage to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for Lebanon's independence.

"In honor of the martyrs who gave their lives to return Lebanon to the Lebanese, we pledge to remain loyal to the path they carved with their blood, determination, and belief in a country of freedom, sovereignty, and independence."