UNIFIL: Political and Diplomatic Solution Is the Only Way to Resolve the Issue

The head of the UNIFIL mission and its commander, General Aroldo Lázaro, announced during the 'International Day of UN Peacekeepers': ''UN peacekeepers from 49 countries are deployed on the ground across our operational area, focusing on preventing escalation of conflict and avoiding a comprehensive war.''

He added, ''I am proud of the men and women who continue to carry out their duties in such difficult circumstances, despite ongoing gunfire exchanges.''

He observed that ''the death and destruction we witnessed on both sides of the Blue Line is heartbreaking. Many lives have been disrupted, and many people have lost their lives. Thousands of people are still displaced, having lost their homes and livelihoods.''

The General pointed out, ''As peacekeepers, we renew our commitment every day to work towards restoring stability. We urge all parties and all stakeholders to cease fire and reaffirm their commitment to Resolution 1701, and to start working on finding a political and diplomatic solution, which is the only way to resolve this situation.''

The UNIFIL statement noted that ''Peacekeepers continue their work to implement UN Security Council Resolution 1701. At the same time, they support local communities and residents in various areas, ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid to the most affected individuals, and provide shelter for civilians caught in the line of fire, including assisting local communities in the south through medical, dental, veterinary, and educational services.''