UNIFIL Calls for End to Assaults on Peacekeeping Force, Denounces Use of Areas Near UN Positions for Attacks

Candice Ardell, Deputy Director of UNIFIL's media office, warned belligerent parties across the Lebanon-Israel border against targeting UN sites or using areas near UNIFIL positions to launch attacks across the Blue Line, saying this is unacceptable and constitutes a violation of UNSC Resolution 1701.

"Since October, we have witnessed numerous incidents where our sites and vehicles were fired upon from both sides. In some cases, peacekeepers were injured, but fortunately, the injuries were not severe,” Ardell said in an interview with Italy's Nova news agency.

"We have always taken robust measures to ensure the safety of our peacekeepers and ensure their ability to perform their duties. These measures include upgrading our premises as necessary," she pointed out. "We continuously monitor the situation and make adjustments as needed. Peacekeepers remain capable of carrying out their tasks on the ground and continue to implement Resolution 1701."