Nadim Gemayel Rejects Dragging Lebanon Into Devastating War

Kataeb Lawmaker Nadim Gemayel emphasized that internal unity is embodied by sitting at the table and developing a defensive plan to protect Lebanon, which Hezbollah completely rejects.

"We did not expect that Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah's speech would be 'Inadequate,'" Gemayel said in an interview with Al Jadeed televsion.

"Can someone explain to us why the martyrs of South Lebanon fell?" he asked.

"Nasrallah did not clarify to us yesterday the reason for Lebanon's involvement in the war, and the martyrs who have fallen were not defending Lebanon; 'we sent them to their deaths.'" he said.

"We want an official endorsement that 'Shebaa Farms are Lebanese,' and I regret very much what is happening to the Palestinian people," he noted.

"What caused confusion yesterday for Sayed Hassan Nasrallah is the displacement from the border areas due to recent developments," he indicated.

Regarding the U.S. fleet being called in due to fear of Hezbollah, Gemayel added, "There has been no official American statement confirming that the United States has sent its fleets to defend Israel against Hezbollah. On the contrary, Lebanon has been warned not to get involved in this war."