
The official website of the Kataeb Party leader
Friday 8 April 2022 12:28:48
"Lebnen El Siyede" electoral list which includes Nadim Gemayel, Jean Talouzian, Annie Seferian, Leon Semerjian, Talar Margossian, Antoine Syriani, Asma Andraos and Najib Lyan was announced on Thursday during a campaign launch in Achrafieh.
Candidate for the Maronite seat in Beirut’s first district Nadim Gemayel deemed the electoral list as a project and direction.
“This region taught us, despite all the difficulties, sacrifices and wounds, how to resist and remain steadfast, and this is how we will always be,” he noted. “On May 15th, the Lebanese people will choose which Lebanon they want,” he noted.
“Your electoral votes will decide Lebanon's future first in the Parliament, which will select a president and create the Cabinet and it will set policies that will affect our economy, our sovereignty, and our daily and life affairs,” he said addressing the voters.
“You will choose the economy you want: the Captagon economy that closed the doors of the world to Lebanon, the economy of taxes that is imposed only on the people, a reluctant economy that exports missiles and drones, an economy that is under Caesar law and pays the price of sanctions, or we choose a free and developed economy that resembles us. An open economy that protects the private sector, supports small and medium businesses and encourages youth, an economy that focuses on all sectors of the educational, health and industrial community.In Lebnen El Siyede, we chose this economy and this is the "Lebanon" that we seek," ” he added.
“We, as members of this electoral list, chose the free and prosperous economy because we want to bring the middle class back to Lebanon," he pointed out.
Gemayel stressed that there is no problem with openness towards the West nor the East.
“We do not accept that openness if it will be at the expense of our relations with international organizations and the Arab world,” he added.
“This economy and this vision will help us restore confidence in the country,” he emphasized. "Choose this approach, this culture, and this policy," he said addressing the voters.
“On May 15, Vote for “Lebnen El Siyede” because we will enter the parliament to confront and resist,” he concluded.