Marouni: Conditional Dialogue with Imposed Candidate or Persistent Vacuum Is Not Dialogue

Kataeb Leader Advisor Elie Marouni emphasized that "the Kataeb Party welcomes any initiative, as without dialogue, we cannot reach solutions to Lebanon's problems."

In an interview with Voice of Lebanon, Marouni discussed presidential initiatives, describing them as "actions without blessings."

He referred to the initiatives by Jean-Yves Le Drian, the quintet committee, the Progressive Socialist Party, and others, noting that the lack of results is not due to the lack of intention to elect a president, but rather because the decision is not in their hands and "the mini-state controls the dissolving state."

"We have not observed any positive indicators from these initiatives. Each party remains steadfast in its position and indifferent to the collapsing lives of citizens on all fronts. These initiatives may be for media shows or to assert presence, but what matters to the Lebanese citizen is the outcomes of these visits and initiatives," he explained.

Regarding dialogue, Marouni affirmed that "the Kataeb Party is right in not moving towards dialogue without guarantees, as experience since 2005 has shown that previous dialogues did not see commitments from the parties involved. The most crucial condition for successful dialogue is adherence to its resolutions."

He stressed that "for dialogue to be productive, the participants must sit at the table without conditions or constraints."

Marouni stated that "we need to rebuild the structure, starting with the election of a president who will, in turn, form the government in consultation with the deputies. The gaps should be filled with military and administrative appointments. We are fully aware of the constitutional crisis, but should we live in a void with every constitutional entitlement?"

He added, "The first step in addressing the crisis is the election of a president, but we are living in chaos, anxiety, and resignation."

"There is hope in the Kataeb Party and the opposition. We are fulfilling our duties and standing firm despite the attacks on the Kataeb Party and its leader. We will not surrender because we are leaders of a base that sacrifices, gives, and martyrs itself. We continue the struggle because we have absolute conviction that this country is ours, and we have no alternative homeland. If the Lebanese people do not stand by us, we will become refugees in another country," he emphasized.

"We are in a state of absolute confrontation. Our constitution is violated, and our state is disintegrating. We want to rebuild the state and impose peace across all Lebanese territories. We will remain in confrontation and defense to preserve the nation," he added.

"We seek consensus and want a consensus president because the country cannot bear additional challenges, but if the axis of resistance remains steadfast in imposing Sleiman Frangieh, there is no power but in God," he stated.

Marouni pointed out that "the path Frangieh follows could lead to sanctions on Lebanon if there is no local, regional, and international consensus on him. Consequently, we cannot live in international isolation."

Marouni directed a stern message to Hezbollah and Amal Movement deputies, saying, "Are you not ashamed that in Iran, the President and the Foreign Minister were killed, and within 24 hours of finding their bodies, a new president was appointed and an election date set? You are paralyzing the institutions, so at least, because Iran is your reference, do as they did and elect a president."

"Hezbollah is clinging to its candidate and obstruction, which leads to the imposition of the mini-state's power over the State," he indicated.

Marouni asked, "If Frangieh becomes president, will he demand a defense strategy or reclaim the decisions of war and peace from Hezbollah? Will he turn to the international community seeking relief from Hezbollah's illegal weapons?"

He pointed out that "the obstruction of the presidential elections started before the Gaza war, so it is not appropriate to link the presidential elections issue with the Gaza war and the south. No one is preventing the deputies from electing a president."

He questioned, "Do the people want a void, destruction, and war? More than 60% of the Lebanese reject war in the south, and 90% reject the void in institutions."

Marouni affirmed that "we stand with the civilians and children in the south and Gaza and condemn Israel's crimes against unarmed civilians, but the decisions of war and peace pertain to the fate of a nation and its people. Did Hezbollah listen to anyone when it decided to drag Lebanon into war?"

"What has Hezbollah done for the people of Gaza other than making southern Lebanon like Gaza?" he asked.