Mrad Says Only Solution for Country’s Problems Is for Hezbollah to Surrender Its Weapons

Head of the Students and Youth Department at the Kataeb party, Ralph Mrad, on Tuesday stressed that Hezbollah is controlling the institutions, threatening with surplus power and weapons, and imposing its will on all aspects of the state.


“Hezbollah’s militia enjoys legitimacy within the Lebanese state, but it is able to operate without the accountability required of a state institution. The Lebanese people are experiencing a “humanitarian catastrophe” due to Hezbollah’s control over the decision-making process in Lebanon “by force of arms”, ” Mrad said in an interview with “Akhabarkom Akhbarana” website.


“Resistance has a different meaning than the one the Lebanese’ people are witnessing today. Hezbollah is holding sway over the country and is weakening state institutions within it, in a way that makes Lebanon continue to process in a direction against the interests of its people,” he added.


“Hezbollah should be disarmed, this is the only way to break out of this collapse,” he concluded.