Kataeb: Hezbollah's Campaigns Launched against the Party Will Be Faced by Suitable Means

The Kataeb party on Tuesday slammed Hezbollah’s failed practices and intimidation campaigns launched against the party and its leader, affirming that such acts won’t succeed in suppressing the truth, killing the democracy and assassinating the change.

“These trading acts taking place between the pillars of the society over the justice, the democracy, the truth and the State of law are forbidden,” read a statement issued by the Kataeb pollical bureau following its weekly meeting at the party’s headquarters in Saifi.

“This Parliament lies under the control of Hezbollah. Providing the party with ongoing legitimacy is a conspiracy against the Lebanese people,” the statement said.

“It is better for such Parliament to resign before things get worse,” it added.

The Political Bureau congratulated Joe Salloum for winning the position of the captain of the Pharmacists’ Syndicate as well as all the friends who won the membership in the Syndicate’s Council, the Pension Fund and the Disciplinary Council, relying on this change team to improve the pharmaceutical reality, especially in terms of providing medicine to patients in light of the difficult situation the country is going through.

The party condemned the chaos that took place at the Dentists Syndicate’s elections with the intervention of some partisan people from outside the Syndicate, deeming such behavior as unacceptable.

“The authority as a whole is to blame for the situation the Lebanese are currently experiencing, starting with the Central Bank governor who is responsible for the ongoing collapse of the Lebanese Lira to all those who keep insisting on applying the same wrong fiscal financial and monetary policies,” it said.

The Kataeb warned against the outbreak of the new African variant Omicron, calling on those concerned to adapt new measures so as to curb the spread of the virus.

"A new and an effective emergency plan should be implemented by intensifying the vaccination campaigns, activating monitoring through the airport, supplying hospitals with the necessary equipment and medicines, and strengthening medical staff to face any emergency in order to avoid a new disaster.