
The official website of the Kataeb Party leader
Saturday 9 October 2021 18:42:01
Kataeb leader Samy Gemayel on Thursday deemed the standards adopted by the Kataeb party as clear, stressing his refusal to form a cover for the practices of Hezbollah in Lebanon.
“There is no doubt that Hezbollah was the one that has brought the nitrate ammonium into the port which also has a special passage to the port,” Gemayel said in an interview with Al-Jadeed, calling for summoning everyone involved in this matter.
“Our criteria are clear and we are working on them: First, the advanced sovereign stance because we have a basic problem called Hezbollah. Thus, the sovereign issue is essential. Secondly, the change, the confrontation of the system, the political reform and fighting corruption,” he said.
“When the October 17 revolution took place, it took place in the face of a political system represented by the government,” he added, saying that the parties of the presidential settlement waived and abandoned their duties and brought the country to what it had reached today.
Gemayel stressed that no weapon should be present inside the country except the Lebanese army weapon, saying that no arm should be funded from abroad.
“Hezbollah is engulfing the State. It took the Christian cover from President Michel Aoun, it has imposed a new constitution by force, and then forced Aoun to be the President of the Republic,” he noted.
“Hezbollah imposed an electoral law that gave it a majority, and it considers that the last barrier for it to control the entire State is the army that is not under Hezbollah's control,” He said.
“Hezbollah is taking over the country, and after taking the constitutional institutions, it is trying today to bring the military institution to its knees, which is on good terms with America and the Arab countries and has stronger support than it.”
The Kataeb leader deemed the Lebanese army as the main barrier to Hezbollah and the process of impoverishing the people.
Gemayel stressed his refusal to form a cover for the practices of Hezbollah in Lebanon, which is nibbling the state and has a Christian cover, and imposed a new constitution in Doha, in addition to obtaining a parliamentary majority and controlling the presidency, and today it seeks to bring the Lebanese army to its knees.
Regarding the Beirut port explosion, Gemayel confirmed that there is a suspicion that Hezbollah brought nitrates into the port, as the party has a special passage in the port, calling for summoning everyone involved in this matter.
As for the Lebanese-Syrian relations, he called for dealing with Syria through a mediator or negotiations, pointing out that the return of relations is conditional on dealing with the issue of refugees, demarcating borders, returning detainees in Syrian prisons, reconsidering all unfairly concluded agreements, and handing over the Syrian suspects who were issued The Lebanese judiciary notes against them.