Kataeb Party Deems Vacuum as Hezbollah's Demand to Tighten Its Grip on Lebanon

The Kataeb party on Tuesday deemed the vacuum currently prevailing over Lebanon as a demand for Hezbollah to implement its project and strengthen its grip on the country, affirming that all the scenarios taking place today so as to form a new government are nothing but a new chapter in deceiving the Lebanese people.

“The vacuum and chaos currently plaguing the country are the demand of Hezbollah, which boasts of breaching the international and local laws under the pretext of relieving the Lebanese,” read a statement issued by the Kataeb political bureau after its weekly meeting in Saifi.

“The living situation has become unbearable, and no people have the power to coexist with their ministries, namely after the move to raise fuel prices came without any practical step to support the Lebanese,” it said.

“Everything that Hezbollah is doing is governed by its urgent need to preserve its positions, and that the conflicts that it creates among its pillars are aimed at tightening the tensions of each of its positions, and they are only moved by sectarian and regional fanaticism,” it added.

The political bureau blamed the current ruling authority for the neglect in properly addressing the Beirut port blast, warning against the total absence that is prevailing over this file.

“Talking is over in the face of the atrocities that are taking place today, but it is forbidden to fall into surrender and to succumb to the conspiracies that are being hatched against an entire people that will not continue indefinitely, and that the Lebanese have proven day by day that in the end they rise to regain their sovereignty and their free decision,” it said.

The party reaffirmed the need for the international and Arab community and friendly countries to play an active role in protecting the Lebanese from the clutches of this system and allows them to express their choices when the time comes.