Dagher Says Lebanese People Will Hold Accountable in the Parliamentary Elections

Kataeb Secretary-General Serge Dagher on Thursday stressed that the Lebanese will hold the ruling political class accountable for all its corruption, deeming the parliamentary elections as key to the country’s main problems.

“Any attempt to obstruct the polls will be violently faced and will be different from what happened in the October 17 revolution,” Dagher told OTV channel, deeming the elections as an acquired right to express an opinion.

“The problem lies in the system and the authority. The officials are corrupted and any system with these rulers will drag the country to collapse,” he said.

“This is the political class that has ruled the country for the last 30 years without establishing any comprehensive economic plan, starting from the Taef accord until today,” he added.

“The Lebanese have been living in a state of fraud since ever. The October 17 revolution has broken the ongoing situation and we rely on the people’ awareness,” he noted.

Dagher stressed that Lebanon needs a period of 5 years to return to the level it was at, saying that this return must take a gradual time, namely since the economic crisis has begun about a year and a half ago.

Dagher affirmed that the country is in need of new faces and a new spirit, believing that they could be the largest parliamentary bloc in the future.

“The opposition force we are currently working on was inspired from the October 17 revolution which was organized and has created groups that have worked in a joint framework with about 12 assemblies that included competent people,” he said.

“There is an ongoing coordination between all groups so as to reach an expanded group, and it is not necessary to agree on small points, rather this can be discussed from within the Parliament according to the principle of competence,” he added.