Hariri: President and I Have Same Stance on Fight Against Corruption

Prime Minister Saad Hariri on Tuesday stressed that the country's top officials agree on the need to eradicate corruption, stressing that they all have converging views when it comes to lifting cover off the wrongdoers.

“The president, Speaker Berri and I have the same stance regarding the fight against corruption; no one will be covered,” Hariri affirmed following his meeting with President Michel Aoun at the Baabda Palace.

The premier criticized the recent media frenzy that some political forces have opted for as part of their anti-corruption campaign, deeming them as politicized.

"Each press conference that tackles corruption is actually protecting it. Those who are truly fighting corruption should do so silently and according to the law."

“We would like to approve a new State budget and finalize the audit of previous years' accounts in complete transparency. The wrongdoers will be uncovered," he stressed.

Hariri said that Lebanon will take part in the third Brussels conference on supporting the future of Syria and the region because it wants the refugees' return issue to be addressed as soon as possible.

Asked about the exclusion of Minister of State for Refugee Affairs, Saleh Al-Gharib, from the delegation heading to the Brussels conference, Hariri stressed the need to not politicize this issue, and said: "The prime minister is going. He is the one representing Lebanon and who is entitled to speak in the name of the country."