Khalaf Calls for Amending Decree 6433, Adopting Line 29 Instead of Line 23 Immediately

Deputy Melhem Khalaf on Monday said on behalf of the deputies of change that the Lebanese trust people was a trust that has no limits but the truth.

“Today we are dealing with a dangerous problem that has been manipulated for many years, which is the demarcation of the maritime borders,” Khalaf said in an interview with MTV.

“The Israeli enemy began drilling for oil in some fields, including those adjacent to the Lebanese border, which threatens Lebanon's rights, including Line 29,” he noted.

He also called for adopting a clear, official national position that preserves Lebanon’s rights by requesting the executive authority, immediately and without delay, to amend Decree 6433 according to the proposals of the Lebanese Army Command and adopting line 29 instead of line 23 specified arbitrarily and without any legal basis.

“After the amendment, the government shall deposit the amended decree with the Secretariat of the United Nations,” he concluded.