Kataeb's Environment Department Calls for Transparent Investigation and Closure of Metn Landfills

The Lebanese Kataeb Party issued a scathing statement condemning the ongoing environmental disaster affecting the Metn coast, following a major fire that broke out at the Jdeideh landfill on Thursday. The statement, released by the party's Environment and Development Department, criticizes the failure of waste management policies and the alleged collusion of the ruling system since 2015.

"Once again, the Metn coast and its residents witness yet another environmental disaster, adding to the long list of crimes that have been and continue to be committed against them," the statement read.

The department highlighted that the blaze is a direct result of the "failed waste management policies" and the "collective collusion of the ruling system" that has compromised public health and safety, emphasizing that the Kataeb Party stood alone in its efforts to address this issue. 

"The Kataeb Party stood alone with activists and residents of the area, warning of the dangers, filing complaints, challenging decisions, and offering solutions."

The party's statement recalls its previous efforts to prevent the establishment of a landfill in the area, including forcibly closing the landfill for over a month.

"To remind everyone, we closed the landfill by force for over a month. However, bribes and the 'scratch my back, I'll scratch yours' agreements prevailed over the interests of the people," the statement noted. 

In light of the ongoing crisis, the Kataeb's Environment and Development Department demanded urgent action, thus outlining the following key demands:

  1. The immediate closure of the Burj Hammoud and Jdeideh landfills, especially as they have exceeded their capacity for more than four years, followed by the treatment of these contaminated lands.

  2. A transparent and urgent investigation to uncover the cause of the fire, ensure it does not recur, and hold accountable those responsible for any negligence that led to this disaster.
  3. A definitive end to the waste crisis by adopting a comprehensive national waste management plan based on sound and scientific principles. Many studies and solutions have already been proposed and are sitting on the desks of the relevant ministries and authorities.
  4. Strict enforcement of environmental laws, accountability for violators, and efforts to raise environmental awareness among citizens.

"To those expressing outrage and pointing fingers today, we say: 'Stop the theatrics and lies. The truth is clear, and you are all responsible,'" the statement concluded.