Joelle Bou Abboud: Lebanon's Revival Requires Foreign Investments and Elimination Illegal Weapons

Kataeb Political Bureau Member Joelle Bou Abboud that the joy in Lebanon is immense.

"For decades, Hezbollah has been gradually taking over institutions, fully controlling them. What we have witnessed recently is that we regained the presidency with the election of President Joseph Aoun, and just yesterday, we regained the premiership by appointing Prime Minister-designate Nawaf Salam. There are significant steps that must be taken, and we must build upon them," Bou Abboud said in an interview with Sky News.

"It is crucial to remember that Lebanon has experienced a presidential vacuum for two years, compounded by a legislative vacuum, as the parliament failed to pass any laws. A legislative revival is now essential," she emphasized.

She highlighted that numerous laws require attention, especially in the economic sector, reminding that Lebanon has endured crises in the economic, financial, and judicial spheres. There is an urgent need to open the parliament's doors and pass laws that truly impact the people, from healthcare to education, and beyond.

She also noted that everyone is on high alert to seize opportunities, as evidenced by the nomination of Nawaf Salam, particularly among the opposition.

Bou Abboud emphasized that there is a dream, awareness, and determination to turn a dark page in Lebanon’s history, and that the country's revival requires foreign investments and elimination illegal weapons.