Gemayel: Lebanon Will Not Find Peace Until the Southern Front Is Closed

Kataeb leader Samy Gemayel affirmed that the Kataeb students and youth are fighting for all of Lebanon and every Lebanese citizen living on its soil. 

"This our destiny, our history, our sacrifices, and our martyrs who fell for the sake of Lebanon, all of Lebanon. Today, the Kataeb Party is honored to welcome a new cohort of young men and women from all over Lebanon, from the far south to the far north. We say welcome to the Party of Decency, the party that has carried Lebanon on its shoulders for more than 87 years," Gemayel said during an event held at his office in Bikfaya, organized by the Kataeb Students and Youth Department under the title "Struggle and Resistance."

The event included the swearing-in of 100 new members in a cohort named after Kataeb comrade Joe Akiki, one of Beirut blast victims.

"This party has defended Lebanon and given its utmost for it. In every pivotal moment of Lebanon's history, we have had our share of rounds, martyrs, and sacrifices, even in moments where we were not directly involved, but which marked Lebanon's history, such as Beirut blast, where we lost comrades including our comrade Joe Akiki, after whom this cohort is named, and our late Kataeb Secretary-General Nazar Najarian," he added.

"You are joining a party that has never compromised on the truth and has never lied to its people, deceived them, or led them to ruin. Not once have we asked the Kataeb members to defend the party or its leader, but to defend Lebanon. While other parties act like private enterprises, where members are expected to defend the leader and generate wealth for him, this is not our way," Gemayel said addressing the new Kataeb members.

"Many are trying to divert attention to minor issues so that we do not see the truth as it is. We must see and point out the truth. Lebanon's decisions are under occupation, and this is why we have not succeeded in accomplishing anything for more than 10 years," he stressed.

"Why can't we implement reforms? Because our decisions are occupied. Why can't we elect a president? Because our decisions are occupied. They dragged the country into an unwanted war because our decisions are occupied. Why can't we make progress on the refugee issue? Because our decisions are occupied," he noted.

"We cannot make any decisions because Hezbollah refuses to allow the state to have free decisions, preventing us from living in a country with freedom, dignity, and hope for the future. We cannot elect a president because Hezbollah disrupts the quorum, and we cannot address the refugee issue because they want them to stay to pressure the international community and keep Bashar al-Assad happy," Gemayel said.

"If we free our decision-making, we can elect a president who is up to the responsibility, a patriot who can say "no" when it comes to Lebanon's interests. We seek an open-minded president who will restore Lebanon's relations with the outside world, make Lebanon a functioning country again, and strengthen the army and the institutions," he indicated.

"If our decisions were free, we would prevent anyone from opening a front in the south or elsewhere, because that is the state's decision. Can you imagine that the state is unaware that Lebanon is being destroyed? The government has not convened for nine months to discuss a war on its soil, and the Parliament has not convened to address the war. We do not hear from our Defense Minister, but we hear from the Israeli Defense Minister and Hezbollah," Gemayel stated.

"Is not there anyone to command the army?" he asked.

"Where are you? Are you not concerned with your country, your villages, your women, the houses that are being destroyed, and the cities that are being obliterated? Why? Because Hezbollah wants it this way. It does not want an economy; it wants the country to run on a "cash economy"," the Kataeb Leader asserted.

Gemayel addressed the new Kataeb members, saying, "My comrades, our battle is to liberate the country's decision-making, and the other battles will follow after liberating the country. Many say they want to change the political system, but how can you do so when there is a militia controlling the country?"

"Our system needs re-evaluation but in a free state. Then we can sit together and think about developing the system. But now, we must first liberate the country to improve and develop it. How can we do so when the Parliament does not convene and we cannot elect a president?" he asked.

Gemayel addressed the political class, all MPs, and the Lebanese people, saying, "We want to live in our country with freedom, dignity, and in a prosperous nation, providing job opportunities for our youth. No one should think for a moment that we will accept living as second-class citizens in our own country, or that anyone can trample on the dignity of the people and treat them condescendingly."

The Kataeb Leader addressed Hezbollah's Secretary-General, saying: "If you have something to say, say it directly, not through media appearances by people who cannot speak properly. If you want a televised debate, you're welcome; we're ready. We, as the Kataeb party, are not ashamed of our history, our present, our future, our martyrs, our resistance, or the future of our youth."

"Listen carefully: we, the Lebanese, used to live in peace, happiness, and prosperity. We were building and developing the state. We had 24/7 electricity, trains, trams, and infrastructure that in 1969 was better than it is today. The Lebanese were the third richest people in the world, with a state that had a financial surplus and lent money to India. The Lebanese people bought gold because they were wealthy. So, stop distorting history. Lebanon was a rich country, and the Lebanese people were wealthy. You destroyed it when you decided to open a front in the south and brought in the Palestinian factions initially to settle their scores from the south. Then you took their place and continued the mission to destroy what was left of Lebanon," he added.

"This country will not find peace until the southern front is closed. Lebanon's woes began there, and they will end when it is shut down," he asserted.

Gemayel emphasized that the Lebanese army should take control of Lebanon's borders from the far south to the far north.

He stated, "Anyone who encroaches on Lebanon, whether Israeli, Syrian, or Palestinian, is our collective responsibility to defend our country. No one has given Hezbollah an exclusive mandate; it is the duty of all Lebanese to defend Lebanon through its institutions and the army. We want to reclaim our sovereignty."

"Enough with the wars and conflicts. We want our youth to plan for their future, think, build families, and invest without considering emigration," he stressed.

"From the PLO to the Syrian army, to Hezbollah and the Iranian regime, they all want to use Lebanon. I appeal to all Lebanese, Muslims, and Christians, who believe in the state, life, love, peace, and prosperity. We must decide our future through institutions and the Parliament, not allow a militia to decide for us," he added.

"We, the Kataeb Party and its leadership, are rooted in this land and will not fear the truth. We invite all the youth in other parties, independents, and non-partisans to join us, not for the sake of the Kataeb Party but for the sake of Lebanon, all of Lebanon, across its 10,452 square kilometers," Gemayel concluded.

Kataeb new member Mary Akiki, sister of Beirut blast victim Joe Akiki, emphasized that she is joining a party that contributed to Lebanon's independence and preserved its sovereignty. 

"Over 100 comrades are taking the oath in Joe Akiki’s cohort, who joined the Kataeb party and were ready to struggle in its ranks and remain in Lebanon to nurture the cedar, but unfortunately, this journey did not continue," she said.

"My comrades, I see Joe's dedication to the Kataeb within you. Our goal in joining is to continue the path of those who envisioned a developed, decentralized, and neutral civil state, to remain in Lebanon, and we promise to continue in their footsteps," she added.

Head of the Kataeb Students and Youth Department Elias Semaan affirmed that "today's struggle is mixed with resilience and effort, reminding us of the responsibilities entrusted to us."

"Maybe the struggle is no longer enough, and it is time for resistance. But before resistance, I have a message to the families and those with us today: do not tell your children that all parties are alike and that they destroy rather than build," he added.

"What is required? Should we hand over the country to thugs and let decent people emigrate?" he asked.

"We ask you to struggle, as the late Secretary-General Nizar Najarian always did. Now is not the time to encourage our youth to emigrate, and for those abroad, we ask them to keep Lebanon in their hearts and think about returning. The country stands tall like the cedars and will rise again," Semaan pointed out.

"They asked us if we are in wartime. Isn't there only one resistance fighting in the south under the banner of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon? The answer is simple: when the state’s decision is occupied, and students sing anthems that resemble everything but Lebanon and its culture when the airport road does not resemble any Lebanese road, and when the judiciary is threatened daily, isn't it logical that we become resistance?" he said.

"There is no difference between one occupation and another. Therefore, we say to every occupation: we are its resistance," he asserted.

"This event is a dual occasion, with two comrades taking the oath, embodying the meaning of resistance and struggle: Mary Akiki, Joe Akiki's sister, and Mia Abou Assi, the granddaughter of the first Kataeb martyr who fell on April 13, 1975," he said.

"You know the truth in heaven. We know it on earth and try to achieve it through institutions. But when the judge tried to issue the indictment in the Beirut blast case, they stormed Ain El Remmaneh because they feared the truth. Civil peace can never be built on injustice and lack of freedom," Semaan said addressing late comrade Joe Akiki.

"Remember, you are Bachir’s comrades. Speak the truth, no matter how hard it is. Whenever they threaten you, say, 'Who said we don't love threats or love to resist,' as Cheikh Pierre Amine Gemayel said," Semaan said addressing the new Kataeb members.