Hankach: Time Has Come for the Opposing Group to Return to the State

Kataeb Lawmaker Elias Hankach stressed the importance of seizing the political moment in the region to work for the country’s interest and join the ranks of politically stable nations in the area, which would lead to prosperity and progress.

He remarked: “If we fail to rise to the occasion today, we do not deserve to govern a country with 6,000 years of civilization and history.”

Regarding the presidential elections, Hankach emphasized the significance of the president's character, background, and agenda.

He added: “We nominated former Minister Jihad Azour, but we may agree on a name like the Army Commander or Neemat Frem, among others. The key is securing the support of as many parliamentary blocs as possible to vote for the candidate during the session.”

Regarding his visit to Ain al-Tineh, he stated: “I met with Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri, who finds amending the constitution a challenging matter. However, there is precedent for such an amendment, as was the case with Michel Sleiman’s election. Therefore, if there is agreement on the Army Commander, he would need to secure a significant number of votes.”

In response to a question, Hankach said: “We will not attend the January 9 session leaving matters to chance. We fear that the other side may resort to their usual tactics of cunning, which we will not accept. Despite the many failed bets, including those of Hezbollah and Syria’s proxies in Lebanon, we refuse to let any party feel defeated. We remain committed to the criteria for a president who fits this phase and its challenges. It is time for the opposing group to realize that returning to the state is their safeguard, and its institutions are the ones that should govern relations among the Lebanese.”