Army Chief Assures Steadfastness Despite Challenges

Lebanese Army Commander, General Joseph Aoun, affirmed on Tuesday that the military institution remains steadfast in fulfilling its duties despite all attempts to tarnish its image and obstruct its work,

"Our country’s entity and our State still stand strong, so pay no heed to rumors,” Aoun told graduating officers from the 38th Staff Course and the 1st Staff Course conducted in English at the Army’s Fouad Shehab Command and Staff College.

“I see in your eyes the determination and resolve to uphold the institution amidst the current crisis, especially in the south amid the repeated Israeli aggressions. We hope that the difficulties will soon be cleared and that efforts to forge tranquility will succeed," he said.

"You have completed the staff course under difficult circumstances, in one of the most challenging periods in the history of the army. Yet, the army remains resilient thanks to your efforts and those of your comrades, as well as your trust and belief in the sanctity of the army’s mission. An officer takes initiative within available means, and a successful leader emerges in times of adversity. Be creative, innovative, and rise to the task that you’re entrusted with," Aoun emphasized.