ALDIC Advocates for Transparent Public Financial Management in Lebanon

The Lebanese Association for Taxpayers' Rights (ALDIC) has submitted its 2023 report on public financial management in Lebanon to all members of Parliament. This report, produced in collaboration with the "Konrad Adenauer Stiftung" Foundation and "The Policy Initiative" Association under the BINA’ program funded by the European Union and managed by Transparency International (TI-LB), highlights the urgent need for transparent and efficient management of public funds in Lebanon, particularly amidst the current crisis.

In personalized letters accompanying the report, ALDIC emphasized the importance of sound public financial management in achieving economic and social stability, distributing resources effectively, and promoting sustainable growth. ALDIC underscored the necessity for effective oversight, accountability, and transparency in managing public finances to address Lebanon's ongoing challenges.

ALDIC has initiated communication with parliamentarians, both individually and through their parliamentary blocs, to review the report and consider its recommendations. This outreach will be followed by ongoing discussions and meetings to explore potential solutions and legislative actions to improve public fund management.

Previously, ALDIC engaged with representatives from the Lebanese Forces and Kataeb parliamentary blocs, as well as private sector entities and organizations. These engagements will continue with other parliamentary blocs and committees, alongside efforts to engage with the Lebanese public through media channels.

Established in 2012, ALDIC is dedicated to promoting ethical tax practices, citizenship, and awareness of taxation rights and obligations. It serves as an observatory for detecting and addressing violations in taxation and public finance, advocating for enhanced oversight and good governance. ALDIC operates independently and non-politically, striving to support the rights of all taxpayers and foster citizen participation in public fund management.