
The official website of the Kataeb Party leader
Monday 2 May 2022 21:38:22
Kataeb leader Samy Gemayel said that Hezbollah’s enemy was the one who did not submit to its dictates and stood against it.
“If Hezbollah has an interest to bring down one party, it is the Kataeb Party, and if it has one enemy, it is the one who do not submit to its dictates and stands against it at every station, minute and moment,” Gemayel said during ‘Vision for Youth’ event.
“You have decided to confront and rebuild a country that ressembles you. Since you are still in Lebanon and you have not left yet, give a chance to achieve change, in both cases we will pay the price and bear the responsibility, we might make a surprise on May 16,” He said addressing the Lebanese youth.
“Lebanon is a small country and we are able to rebuild it at breakneck speed. Our project encloses 178 steps including economy, society, politics, education, environment and health,” he noted.
“Evaluate words and performance objectively. Vote according to your convictions and most importantly do not believe those who were responsible of this deteriorated situation,” he stressed.
“We have been hearing about the postponement of the elections for 2 months and rumors of lack of change, all of this was to despair us so we would surrender. Let us make one decision and vote for the opposition on May 15 so as to hold accountable all those who brought us to this deteriorated situation,” he added.
“Those responsible for this challenging situation are the ones who have participated in successive governments, have elected Michel Aoun as President, have voted for fake budgets and have renewed Salameh’s term and have transferred his money abroad,” he emphasized.
“The opposition is well-known and it is present in one or two electoral lists in every district. You have the opportunity to choose a sovereign opposition against Hezbollah, a free economy, decentralization and neutrality,” he said addressing the Lebanese voters.
Gemayel stressed the importance of accountability.
"I call on the Lebanese people who believe in the choices of the Kataeb party, sovereign opposition, decentralization and fighting corruption and this ruling elite without any exception to vote for us as we will be your representatives in the next parliament,” he said .
“Many parties consider themselves strong today, and they derived this strength from you, and you are able to withdraw it from them and give it to those who will remain steadfast and defend Lebanon, and your strength will be in the parliament,” he added.
“Vote for young people who know the definition of a state and have an experience in technology, economy, balance of payments and all Lebanon’s needs to be a developed country,” he stressed.
“Most of our candidates are young people are suffering like you and have the same dream. They are organized and will work for real change. They have forge alliances with independents and young people from the revolution. We have started with this approach 8 years ago through our separation from the corrupt system and confronting it,” he added.
“Those who want to vote for independents and young people emerging from October 17 Revolution can vote for our allies and we have confidence in them as they will not compromise,” he said the new voters.
“We have the same ambition, we love Lebanon from the bottom of our hearts, we want to develop it and preserve its environment, education so as to provide all the Lebanese with jobs opportunities so they do not have to emigrate,” he added.
“Our aim is to build a free, independent and developed country. We seek statesmen who have the will to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the country,” he affirmed.
For his part, Head of the Kataeb Students and Youth department at the Kataeb party Ralph Mrad recalled the position of the Kataeb party against electing Hezbollah’s ally as a President.
“We will hold this ruling system accountable on May 6,8 and 15. They will pay the price for humiliating the Lebanese and pushing them towards imigration,” he stressed.
“We will not compromise on Lebanon,” he added.