The Surging Popularity of Vaping among Lebanese Youth: A Prominent Emerging Trend

Witnessing the prevalence of young people in Lebanon using e-cigarettes and vaping is a recent phenomenon; unlike traditional smoking, the effects of these types of narcotics have not been studied as extensively as the conventional ones.

If you believe that vaping and e-cigarettes are less harmful than traditional smoking, that assumption is incorrect. Here's why:

To start, vaping and e-cigarettes incorporate non-recyclable materials, exacerbating environmental issues and introducing a new concern.

This predicament has gained attention in Europe. In the UK, for instance, a study by the electronic waste recycling organization Material Focus revealed that over 1.3 million e-cigarettes are discarded weekly.

The narrative of smoking has undergone changes, but the narrative of vaping and e-cigarettes is still in its early stages. Until precise findings are available, always bear in mind that smoking in any form poses health risks and can result in severe and fatal illnesses.