Tenenti Urges All Parties Involved in Conflict to Immediately Cease Fire

UNIFIL spokesperson Andrea Tenenti  indicated that "at around 10 pm, two mortar shells hit a UNIFIL base in the vicinity of the village of Houla, resulting in the injury of one peacekeeper who was promptly evacuated for medical treatment. The peacekeeper sustained minor injuries, he was immediately evacuated to the hospital at UNIFIL headquarters in Naqoura and he is currently in stable condition."

"Yesterday, UNIFIL compounds have been hit twice: in the afternoon with a shell hitting our Headquarters in Naqoura, and yesterday evening in the vicinity of Houla, resulting in the injury of one peacekeeper. UNIFIL expresses serious concern over these two attacks on our troops who are tirelessly working 24/7 to restore stability in southern Lebanon and de-escalate this perilous situation,” Tenenti explained.

"We strongly urge all parties involved in the conflict to immediately cease fire. Attacking UN peacekeepers is a crime, a violation of international law and must be condemned,” he went on saying.

“Investigations have been launched into both incidents," Tenenti concluded.