Sullivan, Gallant Discuss U.S. Role in Defusing Lebanon-Israel Border Hostilities

U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan reaffirmed his country’s unwavering commitment to Israel’s security, stressing that efforts are still ongoing to defuse tensions on the Lebanese-Israel border.

“Mr. Sullivan reaffirmed the United States’ ironclad commitment to Israel’s security, including in the face of threats from Iranian-backed terrorist groups such as Lebanese Hezbollah,” read a statement issued following Sullivan’s meeting with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant at the White House on Wednesday.

“They discussed ongoing U.S. efforts to support de-escalation and a diplomatic resolution to the ongoing hostilities in Lebanon that would ensure the return of both Israeli and Lebanese families to their homes in the border regions. The two also discussed President Biden’s unprecedented support for Israel since the Hamas attacks of October 7th. Mr. Sullivan reaffirmed President Biden’s commitment to ensure that Israel has all it needs to defend itself militarily and confront its Iranian-backed adversaries.”

Gallant once again confirmed the support of the Israeli government for the U.S.-proposed Gaza ceasefire deal as outlined by President Biden and endorsed by the UN Security Council, the G7, and countries around the world.