Smoke Emanating from Beirut Port Silos

According to local news, smoke has been seen emanating from the rubble of the silos since Thursday. 

“Has the process of demolishing the silos and obliterating the murder site started taking advantage of the Eid period?” journalist Salman al-Andari tweeted.

Lebanon has been facing a dilemma. Should the Beirut port silos be demolished or preserved?

The question continues to spark controversy in a society torn between wishing to sink into amnesia and wanting to keep the structure as a constant reminder of what happened.

The Lebanese government orders the demolition of the silos while others, especially the families of the victims, call for the protection thereof and even for it to be categorized as a national historic building.

The horrific tragedy of the Beirut Blast is barely a month away from its 2nd anniversary. The victims' families are still compelled to protest for justice while politicians continue to obstruct the investigation.