Geagea Denounces Hezbollah’s Role in South Lebanon, Says Lebanese Army Alone Can Secure Borders

Lebanese Forces Leader Samir Geagea considered that "the Axis of Resistance is attempting to hinder any positivity towards Lebanon."

During a meeting held in Maarab under the title "1701: Defending Lebanon," he added: "We are experiencing economic difficulties while state institutions are deteriorating."

He said, "Presidential and municipal elections have been obstructed, and Lebanon's problem today lies in the existence of a state within the state, seizing decisions and facilitating smuggling through illegal crossings, which the killers of Pascal Sleiman passed through to Syria."

He mentioned that there are approximately 15 to 25 illegal crossings without any state control, adding: "Pascal Sleiman's body went through one of these crossings."

Samir Geagea indicated that "obstructing presidential elections has hindered constitutional institutions."

Geagea pointed out that "military operations in southern Lebanon began with a decision from Hezbollah alone and did not assist Gaza in anything."

He said that supporting the Palestinian cause is crucial in the region, but it is important to distinguish genuine support from exploitation.

Additionally, Geagea held the caretaker government fully responsible for what was happening in southern Lebanon.

He further stated: "Hezbollah justifies its presence by claiming to defend Lebanon, contrary to what is evident [...] after the destruction in the south. The party's continued presence could expose our southern borders to infiltration and our southern areas to danger."

He believed that "Hezbollah is unable to defend Lebanon, and the solution is for the Lebanese army to be deployed to every point where 'the party' is present, with the latter withdrawing inland as a first step."