Salam : 90% of Bread Crisis Is Over

The Ministerial Committee Crisis Cell concerned with managing the distribution of wheat and flour, under the directives of Caretaker Economy and Trade Minister Amin Salam, conducted a field survey in all Lebanese regions, where it was revealed that the bread crisis has ended by 90% as queues have disappeared across the country.

In this context, Salam extended special gratitude to all the concerned security apparatuses who are working round the clock to ensure fair distribution and accountability.

"The new mechanism has put an end to the crisis dealers, and the owners of a number of bakeries and mills that violate the decisions of the Ministry of Economy have been arrested, and they are under investigation by the concerned judiciary," he said.

The Ministry of Economy called on the judiciary to impose strict punishment on each violator, since imprisonment is the solution to teach a lesson to anyone who attempts to exploit the Lebanese in their daily sustenance.