Nadim Gemayel: UNSC Resolution 1559 Is the Most Important, Must Be Applied

Kataeb Lawmaker Nadim Gemayel wrote on "X" platform: "UNSC Resolution 1701 cannot be modified by a single party, it can only be modified at the Security Council. The question is whether Lebanon is ready to implement this resolution through its army."

"The most important is UNSC Resolution 1559, which is the basis of all these resolutions and must be implemented. We can no longer tolerate the presence of illegal weapons in all Lebanese regions," he added.

"Why does Hezbollah support Hamas? Is it to involve our people in the south and expose them to danger?" he asked.

"Hezbollah is taking risks in the south to save face in front of its audience, at the expense of the Lebanese people," he noted.

"We fear of transforming the South into a war theater. This is enormously risky and unpredictable," Gemayel concluded.