Hankache Urges Citizens Suffering from Waste Crisis to Speak Up

Kataeb MP Elias Hankache on Tuesday called on citizens who are putting up with the foul smell of the waste landfills to speak up and have their voices heard.

“Let those who are unable to open their windows due to the garbage foul smell in their surrounding around Burj Hammoud landfill, Jdeideh-Sed el Bauchrieh, and the Costa Brava Landfill, to speak up,” Hankache said on Twitter.

“The one opposing landfills’ expansion for the sake of his health and that of his children’s, raise your voice,” he added.

“The one who has been sorting garbage for years while the contractor mixes them altogether, to speak out… let us hear your voice,” he urged.

“But the others, don’t dare to complain,” he slammed.