Saba Slams Political Inaction Amid Protracted Waste Crisis

Kataeb politburo member Charles Saba denounced on Tuesday the exacerbating waste crisis that has been plaguing Lebanon amid total political inaction that is not presenting any prospects for solutions.

Saba told Voice of Lebanon Radio Station that the waste crisis goes beyond landfill expansion amid political inaction in offering solutions to the Lebanese citizens’ problems, garbage crises, electricity and telecommunication problems, the economic condition and the state’s finances.

“Since more than three years, we came up with alternatives and solutions to the waste garbage crisis such as sorting and treatment processes and municipality funding, but the executive authority keeps on repudiating to take action,” Saba slammed.

He pointed out that the solution lies beyond technicalities, and rather in finding a substitute to the political authority, as well as, in adopting decentralization so that the judicial authority retains its independence.