Power Lines Installation Ongoing in Mansourieh Despite National Mourning

While Lebanon is bracing itself for the farewell of Patriarch Emeritus Nasrallah Sfeir and is observing a national day of mourning in honor of the venerable cardinal who will be laid to rest today, Electricite du Liban workers proceeded the installation of the high-voltage power lines in Mansourieh since early morning.

Kataeb's Deputy-President Salim Sayegh slammed the ongoing works, voicing regret that they were carried on despite that the whole country is in mourning over the passing of Patriarch Emeritus Nasrallah Sfeir.

"Today is a national day of mourning! Works have been ongoing since early morning by Electricity du Liban to install the high-voltage power lines," Sayegh wrote on Twitter.

"Leave Mansourieh before the curse of earth and heavens falls upon you!"