Signees of Power Plan Appeal Stress Role in Anti-Corruption Fight

Following the submittal of a challenge contesting the electricity plan before the Constitutional Council, MPs Paula Yaacoubian and Nicolas Nahas both pinned hopes on the appeal as a gateway to transparency and reform in the power sector.

Speaking to the Kataeb website, Yaacoubian said that the Kataeb appeal was neatly drafted, stressing that everyone must realize that the appeal does not hinder the electricity plan as some are claiming.

"On the contrary, the appeal reinforces the plan. Some are claiming otherwise because they are simply afraid that theft will be impeded,” Yaacoubian said.

For his part, Nahas voiced optimism over the Constitutional Council’s ruling on the appeal, adding that the challenge is aimed at forging the principles of accountability and transparency throughout all of the plan's phases for the sake of the people, investors and contractors.

Nahas stressed the need to open the door for real competitiveness and conveying to the international community a message that Lebanon has initiated real reform.

Yaacoubian and Nahas are among the deputies who signed the challenge along with MPs Samy Gemayel, Nadim Gemayel, Elias Hankache, Marwan Hamadeh, Oussama Saad, Ali Darwish, Jihad Al-Samad and Faysal Karameh.