Saba: Government Dropped PPP Law to Tighten Grip on Power Sector

Kataeb politburo member Charles Saba described the government's power plan as a "hybrid settlement" that officials had sealed to settle their differences, saying that it dropped the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Law 48 to tighten its grip on the power sector and control the tenders to be launched for new projects.

Speaking to the Kataeb website, Saba noted that the government disregarded the Law 48 because it diminishes its role in the power sector management and assigns it, instead, to the High Council for Privatization.

"The Public-Private Partnership law was approved under pressure during the period leading up to the CEDRE conference. Today, they are trying to evade it in all possible ways," he said.

"The government is using time constraint as a pretext to evade legal solutions, thus choosing to not abide by any law that doesn't suit it."

"They are depicting the power plan as an achievement. But since when has the violation of law become a victory?" Saba concluded.