Saba Casts Doubt on Government's Power Plan

Kataeb politburo member Charles Saba on Friday deplored the absence of transparency in the State's projects, notably the plan being currently mulled by the government to address Lebanon's chronic power problem.

Speaking to Voice of Lebanon radio station, Saba noted that the Energy Ministry and the premiership are failing to abide by the required standards and conditions when it comes to tenders, questioning the legality of the ministerial committee tasked with studying the power plan.

"Major files are being brushed aside and kept under wraps by the Judiciary. This is a disaster," Saba said.

"Why is the establishment of power plants being referred to a ministerial committee instead of launching a tender process? Why hasn't a new EDL administration board been appointed yet?" he asked.

Saba warned that politicians are seeking to keep the power file under their influence so that they would be able to use it in their partitioning schemes to serve their own interests.

"I am sure that a 24/24 power supply will be eventually ensured. However, this will happen without a financial balance because such a political class only cares for its own interests."