Saba Calls for Serious and Deep Dialogue in Lebanon

Kataeb politburo member Charles Saba on Saturday urged officials to engage in a serious and deep dialogue that would revolve around three problematic issues facing Lebanon.

In an interview on Voice of Lebanon radio station, Saba stressed the need to discuss the country's political system, ways of building a productive government, as well as a defense strategy that would deal with Hezbollah's arms and a foreign policy that shields Lebanon.

“We must seek to launch a serious dialogue on how to build a strong and fair State,” Saba said.

“The current government has been built on a settlement, not on a solid basis. It should have been established on a clear dialogue that addresses major problematic issues, such as the Syrian refugee crisis and Hezbollah,” he explained.

“Unfortunately, instead of having a united government, officials are once again proving their inadequacy in facing challenges, and engaging in a thorough political dialogue to devise a diplomatic plan that addresses the problems we are experiencing."

Saba warned of economic risks facing Lebanon, saying that there is a real danger threatening the country's financial and economic situation.

The Kataeb official criticized the electricity plan proposed by the Energy Ministry, saying that it is similar to that proposed in 2010 when it comes to long-term proposals.

“Who will be in charge of the book of conditions set in tenders? Who will launch the tenders? What are the amendments that must be introduced to the conditons?” he asked. "All of this points are not mentioned in the plan."

Saba suggested that a new EDL board would be appointed and a regulatory body would be formed to oversee the electricity sector. He also called for implementing Law 462 which stipulates involving private companies in the production, distribution and bills collection processes.