Kataeb Urges International Intervention to Stop Ethnic Cleansing Against Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh - Artsakh

The Foreign Affairs Department at the Lebanese Kataeb Party issued the following statement:

Armenians in Nargono-Karabakh find themselves once again subject to what can be likened to “an ethnic cleansing operation” being carried out with no reaction by the international community, which has thus far failed to uphold its obligations vis-a-vis the Armenian people.

The Foreign Affairs Department at the Lebanese Kataeb Party considers that forced evacuation of the Region's Armenian population, compelling them to flee by the thousands from their historic homeland and leaving them to face an uncertain fate, constitutes a blatant violation of international law and all human rights conventions.

This situation evokes the historical tragedies of the Armenian people in the previous century, tragedies that should not be allowed to reoccur while the world watches, either for the preservation of economic interests on one hand or out of fear of becoming embroiled in new wars on the other.

The Foreign Affairs Department at the Lebanese Kataeb Party extends its condolences to the victims’ families, denouncing the grave injustices perpetrated against the Armenian population in Nagorno-Karabakh - Artsakh and stands in full solidarity with the Lebanese Armenian community.

It calls upon the international community to take immediate action to halt this humanitarian tragedy, to establish effective mechanisms for protection against ethnic cleansing campaigns and to cease violations of Armenian human rights in Artasakh.