Kataeb Party Stresses Need to Form an Effective Government Away from Obstructive Consensus

The Kataeb party praised the Lebanese residents and non-residents for turning up the equations in the new parliament, saying that the Lebanese people were able to achieve change despite all intimidations, threats and despairs as they proved that they refuse any control over Lebanon and they want to save the country from the logic of compromises and bargains.

“We, as a Kataeb party, praise every person who voted for us and trusted our approach and speech. We pledge all the Lebanese that we would always say the truth until achieving all promises made to build a free, independent, developed, and pluralistic Lebanon,” read a statement issued by the Kataeb political bureau following its weekly meeting at the party’s headquarters in Saifi. 
The political bureau warned against returning to the approach of compromises and bargains that had prevailed before the elections at the expense of the country and its people, saying that the party will confront in the new parliament and outside it.

“We reiterate that we would not sit at any quota table and would not vote to any parliament speaker, deputy, prime minister, or president who covers Hezbollah's weapons and defends it under any pretext,” it pointed out.

“We seek an effective government that would be able to take action and not governed by the equation of stalled national governments of unity. This government should start adopting necessary reforms and measures in a bid to improve the terms of negotiations with the international monetary fund and to put an end to the collapse,” it affirmed.

The party also warned against any obstruction, procrastination, and usual bargains, saying that the Lebanese have expressed their opinions and everyone must comply with that.