Kataeb Party Calls for a Firm Political Decision to Control Refugee Camps, Halt Illegal Syrian Infiltration

The Kataeb Party’s Political Bureau held its weekly meeting chaired by Kataeb Leader MP Samy Gemayel. After the meeting, the following statement was issued:

1-The Kataeb Party believed that the presidential elections in Lebanon, in their democratic sense, have failed, especially after June 14th session that created the equation: either elect a president affiliated with Hezbollah and its team, or have no president, saying that “this situation either entails submission to their will or facing a vacuum under the threat, intimidation, and defamation.”

The Kataeb Political Bureau emphasized the party leader's approach to the revolutionary reality that Lebanon has witnessed since 2005, characterized by assassinations, arming, institution destruction, and the takeover of the state led by a militia aligned with Iran and executing its interests, deeming it a reality that must be confronted through all peaceful and non-traditional means.

2- The Kataeb Party renewed the demand for a comprehensive solution to the issue of Palestinian refugee camps, calling for a clear and final political decision by the Lebanese state to put an end to factional chaos, prevent party interference, and grant the necessary authority to the Lebanese army to control the situation, disarm the camps, and implement the demands of the Palestinian Authority to ensure Lebanese sovereignty over the Palestinian camps for the sake of security and peace.

It indicated that new wave of illegal Syrian infiltration into Lebanese territory is driven solely by economic reasons, affirming that it necessitates an unprecedented mobilization of all relevant military and political agencies to decisively halt it and put an end to the influx of large numbers that poses a clear threat to Lebanon and its people, jeopardizing their presence.

The Kataeb Political Bureau called on the international community to assume its responsibilities in this regard and be aware that what is happening is akin to the country's demise, noting that it is the duty of the world's nations to promptly alleviate the suffering of Lebanon and work towards helping Syrians either return to their homeland or be redistributed to countries capable of providing shelter for them.

4-The Kataeb Party deeply regreted Lebanon's loss of one of the greatest economic opportunities for development and global engagement, saying that “while the world witnesses the launch of the largest economic corridor connecting India and Europe through the Middle East, Lebanon remains mired in its isolation and internal strife.”

It also stated that Lebanese is missing out on rare opportunities for prosperity that are seized only by nations that have extricated themselves from cross-border conflicts and perpetual senseless wars.