Hariri's Media Office Responds to Al-Akhbar Newspaper

The media office of President Saad Hariri responded to the repeated publication of news by "Al-Akhbar" newspaper regarding alleged interventions and involvements of the President in charitable, familial, and religious institutions.

The office clarified that all the published information, including Monday's article titled "Hariri withdraws support for Assaf's appointment as Mufti," is entirely false and in the imagination of the article's author.

The matter is not up for discussion since the term of the Mufti ends in approximately two years.

However, the office emphasized that Hariri's consistent approach has been to refrain from intervening in the internal affairs of associations or institutions and instead to solely provide support to enable them to fulfill their duties and objectives.

Furthermore, it affirmed that he remains committed to suspending his political activities, adhering to this decision's implications.